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Mar 22 Fidgeting Tip - Fidgeting Movements Help Kids With ADHD

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Kid Companions- Chewelry: Mar 22 Fidgeting Tip - Fidgeting Movements Help Kids With ADHD

March 22, 2010

Mar 22 Fidgeting Tip - Fidgeting Movements Help Kids With ADHD

Why does fidgeting and other body movements help children with ADHD?

Research has shown that movement (physical activity) affects the same area of the brain that ADHD medications do. Both movement and medications raise the levels of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals in the brain help us to focus and pay attention.

Therefore encouraging these children to respectfully move in class is a good thing. They must be given the opportunity to move at will, all the time not disrupting their peers. Allow silent, unobtrusive fidgets, like Kid Companions, and arrange movement breaks throughout the day.

The regular classroom Teachers or Special Education Teachers must tactfully explain to the class the accommodations planned for their classmate. The Special Needs child must be helped to blend in. Lastly, every member of the class must know that no unacceptable comments will be tolerated.

Has your school made accomodations for your child with ADHD?

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