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Mar 18 Chewing and Biting Tip- Inappropriate Biting

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Kid Companions- Chewelry: Mar 18 Chewing and Biting Tip- Inappropriate Biting

March 18, 2010

Mar 18 Chewing and Biting Tip- Inappropriate Biting

Why Does My Child Bite?

"The wounds on my child's hands never healed.
 He kept biting himself" wrote a distraught mom.
“We tried everything!”

Why does your child bite? Observe or find out when the biting occurs. Is your child biting when he is  angry, frustrated, confused, anxious or being teased?  Is he biting when he has eaten certain foods, has been exposed to a particular environment, has to adapt to something new or has encouragement to do so by peers?

All this is very disturbing to both the child and his caregivers. Professional help will be required to rule out underlying, serious problems. Redirecting the biting to a reliable oral motor tool, like the Kid Companions, will be a great benefit.
 Kid Companions are chewies that are
 functional, enjoyable and fashionable!

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