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Hyperactive, Impulsive, Inattentive Children

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Kid Companions- Chewelry: Hyperactive, Impulsive, Inattentive Children

January 4, 2011

Hyperactive, Impulsive, Inattentive Children

Is your on-the-go child always on the brink of danger running and climbing, always in trouble, always fidgeting, always talking, wiggling and jiggling…?

Do you have a child whose teachers tell you he cannot sit still, he cannot stand in line, he cannot keep his hands to himself, he cannot stop blurting comments, he often has angry outburst and temper tantrums …?

Are you worried about your child who always seems to be dreaming, who is always behind in his school work, always seems to be late, to be moody, to be forgetful and has, once more, lost or misplaced his homework, toys or books?

Are you asking yourself if your child can control himself, can snap out of it and if this is just ‘kid behavior’ that he will outgrow? Are you wondering what a parent can do to help such a child?

What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention are signs of a common neurobiological condition called Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children who have ADHD do not make enough chemicals in their brain for organizing thought. Without enough of these key chemicals, the organizing centers of the brain do not work well. It affects between 5-8 percent of school age children, and between 2-4 percent of adults. ADHD makes it difficult for people to control their impulses—responses that can involve everything from movement, to speech and attentiveness.

Can My Child Just Snap Out of It or Outgrow ADHD

Naturally one person does not exhibit all of these symptoms. But as soon as you notice some, seek help. ADHD has serious consequences including your child’s ability to learn, risks for accidental injuries, family stress and disruption, problems making and keeping friends. Moreover these problems will manifest themselves at home, at school and at play. Your child cannot control himself. It is much more than a young child’s antics and these individuals can and should be helped because they will become adults with the same problems.

How to Help My ADHD Child

~Family Doctor First
The first place to look for answers or for ruling out other problems is with your family doctor. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD but research clearly indicates that ADHD tends to run in families and that it sometimes co-exists with other conditions like anxiety, depression and other learning disabilities. To determine what your child has and how best to treat him is a multifaceted process requiring time and effort.

A medical exam including tests of your child’s eyesight and hearing will probably be the first steps. His sleep patterns, food intakes, general health and physical exercise regimen will be discussed. Your doctor may recommend that you see other health care professionals and give you suggestions to try at home and at school. Leave his office with a follow-up appointment already planned as soon as the results of the other tests and reports from other professionals get back to your family doctor.

~Research, Read and Document
In the mean time, read up on ADHD and familiarize yourself with the type of treatment/accommodations/medication your ADHD child might receive. Start journaling your child’s behavior and the events you think might influence this behavior. Save and file all reports, recommendations, names and contact information of every one you see about his problem. Get and give signed permission notes so information about your child can be shared with the team that is working with your child.

~Learn Behavior Management Techniques
Learn about Behavior management techniques that will help you as a family to cope with the demands and disruptions of your child. Have strategies, like being consistent in your discipline, using rewards and consequences, having a routine for homework, bedtimes, mealtimes and free times that include physical activities. Give structure, love and positive reinforcement to your child who will often not find enough of it “out in the world” because of his ADHD behavior.

~Meet With Your Child’s Teachers
Next, get the child’s teachers on board. Schedule a teacher conference and together draw up a plan, to help your child feel comfortable, feel in control and feel successful in the classroom, in the gym and on the playground.

~Get and Sign Permissions Granting Information Sharing
Your family doctor, the school and other professionals will ask for a free flow of information/results from one to the other. Work as a team, cover all bases and you, the parent, will be the glue that holds all this process together and pushes the right buttons to get solutions.

Children who have ADHD and are supported by their parents, are accommodated at school and have professional counsel will have a much better chance to succeed as a child and as an adult.

What symptoms did your child have that led you to believe he had ADHD?

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At January 21, 2011 at 10:25 PM , Blogger Virginia Revoir said...

I'm 31 and have struggled with ADHD all my life. It is very, very difficult as an adult to be expected to be organized about everything and difficult as a child to be expected to sit in class so easily like everyone else.

At January 22, 2011 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Pierrette and Lorna dEntremont said...

Thanks Jenny for sharing about ADHD. Yes, it must indeed be difficult coping with ADHD as a child and as an adult. We hope that today's children with ADHS will be better understood and accommodations will be made for them at school, at university and in the work force.


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