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Higher Test Scores Attributed to Self-Regulation

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Kid Companions- Chewelry: Higher Test Scores Attributed to Self-Regulation

April 28, 2010

Higher Test Scores Attributed to Self-Regulation

My post Self-Regulation Abilities Trump Intelligence, came to the attention of the News and Communication Services of Oregon State University. They sent me a copy of a release regarding a new, national study with one of the leaders in early childhood development and self-regulation, Megan McClelland, an associate professor at Oregon State University.

The release dated April 27, 2010, At-risk children who can self-regulate behavior have higher test scores than their peers, is in reference to a study by, then-Oregon State University graduate student, Michaella Sektnan, who did the research as her master’s thesis working with Megan McClelland.

This study proves once again that self-regulation, or children’s ability to control their behavior and impulses, is directly related to academic performance.

A key finding in that study shows that at-risk children who can self-regulate have higher reading, math and vocabulary achievement.

“Family risk” in the data was defined by ethnic minority status, low maternal education, low family income and chronic depressive symptoms in the mother.

“We know that these risk factors can lead to a gap in academic achievement,” Sektnan said. “The relationship to risks such as poverty, ethnic status, and maternal education has been well-documented. What we wanted to know was, controlling for these factors, does self-regulation make a difference?”

The studies’ results clearly proved : “For all outcomes, higher self-regulation was related to higher reading, math and vocabulary, regardless of which risk factor was present,” Sektnan said. “This builds on the increasing body of knowledge about the need to develop self-regulation skills in young children.”

These findings should surely motivate parents, caregivers, daycares, preschools and schools to focus on activities to promote self-regulation skills. “Self-regulation is not just about compliance or being obedient,” McClelland said. “It’s about a very basic, but very necessary skill: being able to listen and pay attention, think, and then act. The message to parents may be to put down the flash cards and see if another approach, like playing a simple game of ‘Simon Says’ works better.”

Obviously the ‘Family risk’ issues have to be addressed, but it is comforting to know that by teaching children to self-regulate we are opening the doors to a possible successful future.

Please note: Megan McClelland’s research is featured in the new book “Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs,by Ellen Galinsky, president and cofounder of the Families and Work Institute.  It is the No. 1 parenting book on and has been receiving extensive national attention.

Have you noticed if your schools focus on fostering self-regulation?

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